Friday, February 18, 2011

Cartoon Gold

Drive By Truckers have a new album out and it's pretty fantastic. Recorded at the same time as their last, they split the songs into the more rock and roll tunes and the more country tinged songs. This album consists of those country influenced numbers, taking particular inspiration from Alabama singer Eddie Hinton. The whole record is great and I do prefer it to their last outing, but in particular Mike Cooley is once again absolutely spot on with his lyrics.

I saw the title "Cartoon Gold" and thought it was a little strange, even for the Truckers. Then came the line in the song

tending bar in LA after dark must be like mining cartoon gold/
rocks that won't cooperate and tools that drive you crazy must get old

WHAT? For whatever reason that turn of phrase hit me like a two by four. Also, it's not even the best line in the song. Congrats, Cooley, you've blown my mind again.

Buy it on Amazon

Wednesday, February 09, 2011


Hope you're ready for some sweet stuff because my country music ramblings are coming back in full force. Yeah, there's a lot of bad stuff out there, but let's not focus on that. Instead, let's tell ourselves that country and Americana music is the only thing we have left as an identity. No big deal, right?