Friday, August 31, 2007

Henson Cargill, a very well traveled man

I heard Henson Cargill on some compilation (or it could have been another blog), featuring three songs from this collection of recordings on Monument Records. At any rate this guy is a treasure. He sang about political and social taboos directly and without fear. All within the framework of the popular country of the time, or Countrypolitan. I'll post on him several times I'm sure, but I just wanted to get this song out there. It's not really one of the more socially conscious songs, but it is a great take on the happy breakup/bad love song. He's okay with her being gone, yet he thinks he's still in love. Brilliant.
Great chicken-pickin' as well.

Henson Cargill - The Most Uncomplicated Goodbye I've Ever Heard

buy it here

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